top 10 books for diversity and inclusion in tech

Top 10 Books for Diversity and Inclusion in Tech

in Advice & Guides

We have compiled a list of what we believe to be the top 10 books for diversity and inclusion in tech that anyone working in, or looking to get into the sector should read. These books help with expanding knowledge of how to navigate differences in the workplace such as culture, gender, race, age, socioeconomic and education.


What is Inclusion? And Why Is It Important in Tech?

in Advice & Guides

When working towards creating a more diverse workforce, it is important to be mindful of the difference between having a diverse team and being inclusive. If you have a diverse team but people don’t feel included, some may see this as a metric highlighting a failing diversity and inclusion strategy. Inclusion is a vital component […]

mental health diversity

Workplace Diversity and Mental Health in Tech

in Advice & Guides

Tech is a fast moving industry and for people who work in the sector it means there are increasing pressures to keep up with the pace of the demands of the digital age. Factors such as long working days, the gender pay gap, and lack of inclusion and diversity are all contributing factors to poor […]

Top 6 BAME Role Models in Tech

in Advice & Guides

One of the most powerful ways to increase diversity and inclusion in tech is to have visible role models to inspire current and upcoming generations. A Tech Nation study in 2018 revealed that 15% of the digital tech workforce are from BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) backgrounds which demonstrates the state of the current […]

diversity issues

5 Diversity Issues Tech Employers Need Strategies for

in Advice & Guides, Employer Advice

Understanding the key diversity issues affecting the workplace today, and more specifically the technology workplace, is vital for any company committed to putting in place long term strategies for increasing diversity in their workforce. We have created a list of 5 key diversity issues that tech employers need strategies in place for if they want […]

What are the best diversity initiatives in tech?

in Advice & Guides

There is still a long way to go for diversity in tech, for example if you look at National Centre for Women Information Technology’s recent statistics, they show that in 2018 26% of the computing workforce were female, and out of that 3% were African-American and 6% Asian. This highlights the need for better diversity […]

diverse tech talent is heading to amsterdam

Why Diverse Tech Talent is Heading to Amsterdam

in Advice & Guides

Amsterdam is a very appealing destination for tourists and is now becoming a trending destination for techies and tech companies. The city provides astoundingly fast internet, is start-up friendly and a forward-thinking city which tech talent just can’t resist. With the Netherlands investing and rapidly developing in technology, it is considered as a haven for […]

building a diverse team

Building a diverse team – 5 steps

in Advice & Guides

Having diverse teams is often seen as an important aspect of growing performance and productivity within a business. They are seen to perform better financially, gain a competitive advantage when recruiting for more top talent, offer great benefits and experience less employee turnover. Building a diverse team can be a great idea but it is […]

Why a clear diversity statement could give you the edge

in Advice & Guides

By Zoe Morris Having a clear diversity statement is becoming an effective way to appeal to employees from previously overlooked demographics that the technology industry is now keen to attract. With a critical shortage of skills that is swiftly becoming a crisis, trying to make the sector a more inclusive environment is essential for any […]


Tech Sector to Benefit from Large Amount of Money to Boost Diversity in AI Roles

in Advice & Guides

The technology industry is set to benefit from a boost of £18.5 million to help drive skills in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data science. It is to support more adults to up skill and retrain so they have the opportunity to progress into a career or find new employment. An investment of 13.5 million will […]