remote working

Is Remote Working Key to Increasing Diversity in Tech?

in Advice & Guides

The Coronavirus pandemic has resulted in a sudden shift in millions of people transitioning overnight from working in an office to remote working. Now more than ever employers and employees are engaging in conversations surrounding the benefits, challenges and future of remote work in many industries, including tech. Aside from the obvious benefits of saving money […]

neurodiversity in tech

Neurodiversity in Tech

in Advice & Guides

March 30th marks the beginning of World Autism Awareness Week and we’re taking the opportunity to reflect on neurodiversity in the workplace, and more specifically the benefits of embracing neurodiversity in tech. Neurodiversity mostly specifies cognitive differences such as ADHD, Autism, Dyspraxia, and Dyslexia. A report by Tech Nation notes that 1% of the population is estimated to […]

tech degree

How To Get Into Tech Without a Degree

in Advice & Guides

University isn’t for everyone, and the diversity of your education or academic background shouldn’t hold you back from having a successful career in technology. In this digital age, we have instant access to tools such as online training courses and tutorials which make getting into tech without a degree a very feasible option. For some tech employers, […]

ageing workforce

4 Ways Employers Can Prepare for an Ageing Workforce

in Advice & Guides

A report by the University of Oxford shows that by 2040 almost one in seven people will be over the age of 75. It’s a pressing issue for UK employers with almost a quarter admitting they are not prepared for a growing number of older workers. With the combination of longer life expectancies and raised retirement ages, and fewer […]

4 reasons to care about diversity and inclusion

4 Reasons to Care about Diversity and Inclusion

in Advice & Guides

Businesses should care deeply about diversity and inclusion. A diverse and inclusive workplace is the best way to increase performance and innovation. Aside from business benefits, diversity and inclusion are really important to keep campaigning for in society as a whole. We live in a diverse world rich with alternating perspectives and worldviews, and it’s […]

the business case for diversity in tech

The Business Case for Diversity in Tech

in Advice & Guides

There’s a connection between a diverse and inclusive workplace and the state of diversity and inclusion in wider society. Businesses have the power to drive social change by hiring a more diverse workforce. The business case for more diversity in tech is astounding. For businesses, it’s been proven that a diverse workplace is also a […]

gender pay gap in tech

The Gender Pay Gap in Tech

in Advice & Guides

In the UK’s growing digital market, employees can expect to earn better salaries than the rest of the economy. A report conducted by Tech Nation has concluded that the average advertised salary for digital roles is just under £50,000, which is 36% higher than the national average. Over the years, the advertised pay for digital […]

faith initiatives

5 Organisations with Faith Initiatives

in Advice & Guides, Employer Advice

For businesses and organisations in the UK, having an indication of how many people in the UK workforce behold religion as important in their daily lives is really important because it provides direction for them to put faith initiatives and network groups in place to ensure people feel included at work. In the most recent […]

7 top job hunting tips for 202

7 Job Hunting Tips for 2020

in Advice & Guides

Whether you’re searching for your first job after University, or you’re an experienced job hunter, landing a new job can be stressful and at times quite an overwhelming experience. There are multiple ways you can make your job search smoother, and more likely to end in the success of a job offer. We’ve compiled our […]

what does BAME stand for?

What Does BAME Stand For?

in Advice & Guides

BAME is an acronym for ‘Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic’. It is used as a collective term by the media, recruiting teams, the government and public bodies as a way of referring to ethnic minority groups in society. BAME is rooted in the anti-racist movement in the mid to late 1970s whereby political activists came […]