diverse team

Top Tips for Project Managers Managing a Diverse Team

in Advice & Guides, Employer Advice

Amongst the vast array of skills project managers possess, the ability to effectively manage a diverse team so that everyone in that team feels genuinely valued and included is in high demand now more than ever. The world population is currently estimated at 7.8 billion and growing. Everyone around the world beholds unique perspectives, views, and experiences. […]


The Rise of the Returnship: A Key Gender Diversity Initiative

in Advice & Guides, Career, Employer Advice

For various reasons ranging from welcoming a baby to taking time out to travel or becoming a caregiver to a family member, many people, particularly women, take extended time off from their jobs at some point. Career breaks are often necessary and for many unavoidable, yet so often when the time comes to return to […]


Disabling Ableism: How to Challenge Ableism in the Workplace

in Advice & Guides

Whilst society and the workplace are becoming more diverse and inclusive, discrimination still exists for many people. There are 13.9 million disabled people in the UK and 19% of working-age adults are disabled. Despite this, most of the time workplaces, like wider society, are predominately engineered for able-bodied people.  What is Ableism?  Ableism is a form of discrimination […]

diversity and inclusion videos

5 Must-Watch YouTube Videos on Diversity & Inclusion

in Advice & Guides

If you’re more of an auditory or visual learner, videos might be your preferred way to ingest information. However, even if videos aren’t your go-to learning tool, they can be great resources for learning something new and important on-the-go or for playing in the background when you’re working or doing household chores.  YouTube is a […]

diversity in tech in london

Diversity in Tech in London

in Advice & Guides

Around 15% of the UK tech workforce are BAME backgrounds, 17% are women, 8% are disabled and 20% are over-50. It’s well known that the tech industry is struggling with a lack of diversity. As the demand for digital skills in the capital grows, more and more tech employers are making diversity and inclusion in their organisation a priority to work towards ensuring […]

speaking up against racism

Speaking up against Racism at Work

in Advice & Guides

Racism and discrimination are major issues affecting workplaces around the globe. It’s vital that workplaces not only address existing or underlying racism but also actively promote anti-racism throughout the organisation, and persist in the fight against racial inequality in work and wider society. Education and understanding are important tools employers and employees alike can equip […]

diversity in the NHS

Diversity in the NHS and the wider Health and Social Care Sector

in Advice & Guides

Vivek Patni is the CEO and Co-Founder of digital health SME Lavanya Plus, a health and social care business alumnus of the DigitalHealth.London Accelerator programme Lavanya Plus is a female owned, British-Asian led company innovating in the health and care sector. Ensuring diversity, inclusion and equality in workplace settings has been a challenge for as […]

diversity and inclusion during a pandemic

Maintaining Focus on Diversity and Inclusion during a Pandemic

in Advice & Guides

The economic unease resulting from COVID-19 is putting unique pressures on business leaders and key decision-makers. With more than 1 in 5 UK workers currently furloughed, it’s clear that businesses are facing difficult decisions. The combination of financial pressure, the health of staff and the ambiguity of the UK and world economy raises the question of whether […]

diversity issues in the workplace

5 Critical Diversity Issues in The Workplace

in Advice & Guides

For any company looking to implement changes to increase diversity and inclusion, it’s important to have a clear understanding of some of the most critical diversity issues currently presenting as obstacles to achieving truly sustainable inclusion in many workplaces. Achieving diversity and inclusion isn’t as simple as increasing the representation of culturally or ethnically diverse […]

diversity and inclusion podcasts

Top 5 Diversity and Inclusion Podcasts

in Advice & Guides

According to recent statistics, there are over 1 million podcast shows out there for audiences around the world to consume. Podcasts have quickly been established as a popular way to source information and connect with other people. Podcasts are a great way to boost your knowledge, learn from others, and feel inspired by stories and conversations you may […]