Why young people are being put off a career in tech

in Advice & Guides, Employer Advice

In the UK, Tech vacancies make up the largest proportion of all positions, leaving a skills gap in the industry. Ahead of National Careers Week, new research by cloud talent firm Revolent has found that younger people are being put off from a career in tech, which could be contributing to this gap.  National Careers […]

hearing loss

How to support employees with hearing loss in the workplace

in Advice & Guides, Employer Advice

In the UK, around 11 million people are living with some degree of hearing loss today, making it the second most common disability. At least 4.4. Million of these people are of working age, and the employment rate amongst people with hearing loss is 65% (compared to 81.7% of people with no disability). Part of […]

workplace discrimination

How to deal with workplace discrimination

in Advice & Guides, Career, Employer Advice

Being discriminated against in the workplace can have a huge impact on someone’s wellbeing, career, personal life and mental state. It can lead to many people quitting their jobs due to feeling lonely, sad and isolated. With more than a third of UK workers saying they’ve experienced discrimination at work, it’s a key issue and […]

Helpful Diversity & Inclusion Tools to Strengthen your D&I Strategy

in Advice & Guides, Employer Advice

Diversity & inclusion is becoming a bigger priority for many companies nationwide, and rightly so. However, getting a good strategy in place can be a lengthy and difficult process, as what works for one company may not work for everyone. Thankfully, due to the increasing consideration for diversity & inclusion, there are many tools which […]

job searching tips

5 top job searching tips for 2022

in Advice & Guides, Career, Interviews

If you’re going back to work and thinking it’s time for a change, you’re not alone. January is widely considered to be the best and most popular month for job hunting. You’re reinvigorated from a Christmas break, and more ready than ever to throw yourself into finding your dream role and creating that fresh start […]

soft skills 2022

6 soft skills tech employers will look for in 2022

in Advice & Guides, Career, Interviews

The pandemic has resulted in many employers being increasingly flexible when it comes to remote opportunities, which means the job market in 2022 is set to be more competitive than ever when it comes to job searching. It’s all well and good having relevant industry-specific skills when applying for your dream job, but it’s also […]


5 ways to make a multi-faith workplace work

in Advice & Guides, Employer Advice

We know that there is a strong business case for having a diverse workforce, and we also know that it’s a challenging task to become truly inclusive. A huge part of this is ensuring your D&I strategy also includes religion and cultural inclusivity. A report by ComRes found that only a quarter of workers agree […]

UK Disability History Month: Closing the disability employment gap

in Advice & Guides, Employer Advice

From November 18th – December 18th, it’s UK Disability History Month. Across the world, there’s currently a big disability employment gap, not just in the technology industry. How can technology help to close this gap? And what as employers can we do to contribute? In May this year, it was reported that of the 8.4 […]

stammer awareness

Stammering Awareness Day: How to support an employee who has a stammer

in Advice & Guides, Employer Advice

Around 1% of the World’s population have a stammer, yet it’s a disability that rarely gets any airtime. This Friday 22nd October marks Stammering Awareness Day, which this year is aiming to see and hear more stammering voices in popular culture such as TV & radio. In this article, we explore how having a stammer […]

apprenticeships in tech

How apprenticeships can help to sustain diversity in tech

in Advice & Guides, Employer Advice

There are many reasons to build a business case for a more diverse team. But the barriers to getting there can be plentiful. Apprenticeships can provide a low barrier to entry option for businesses to attract skilled & diverse individuals to their technology teams. But what are the other benefits of apprenticeships in the tech […]