how to make job adverts inclusive

5 ways to make your job adverts more inclusive in 2023

in Advice & Guides, Employer Advice

Your job advert is the first communication between your company and a potential candidate. It’s your chance to sell the job to them and make them want to apply. So it’s a shame that so many employers miss out key info and inclusive language that could make them more attractive to job seekers. In a […]

How diversity can impact mental health

in Advice & Guides, Employer Advice

Mental health issues can affect anyone at any point in their lives, with approximately 1 in 4 in the UK experiencing symptoms each year and an estimated 14.3% of deaths worldwide per year being attributable to the illness. Although anyone can be affected, there are groups of people that are significantly more at risk, including […]

in demand tech skills

Top 4 most in demand tech skills to add to your CV

in Advice & Guides, Career

The tech sector is one of the UK’s fastest growing industries, with the value reaching $1 trillion in March this year. With this growth comes elevated need for highly-skilled candidates, however currently supply isn’t meeting this demand and we’re experiencing a tech gap. Last year alone over 2 million tech jobs were left vacant. The […]

tech interview tips

6 tech interview tips to help you get the job

in Advice & Guides, Career, Interviews

To many people, the idea of a job interview sparks feelings of anxiety and dread. After all, it’s often the only time you get to sell yourself to your potential employer. However, on average, only 2% of people who apply for a job get selected to go for an interview, so remember that your CV […]

The importance of diversity training and where it can go wrong

in Advice & Guides, Employer Advice

Over the last few years, diversity and inclusion training has solidified a place on most large companies training lists. This trend has led to D&I training becoming a lucrative industry with many companies offering training courses and instructors. However, many people and studies have raised the question as to whether diversity training actually has the […]

pride month

Pride Month 2022: How to support LGBTQ+ employees in tech

in Advice & Guides, Employer Advice

June is the official UK Pride Month each year, and this year is extra special as the UK marks its 50th year of Pride. The month presents a time to celebrate the LGBTQ+ movement’s achievements and accomplishments, and recognise and reflect on the struggle for equality. However, despite the huge progress which has been made, […]

4 Ways Burns Sheehan are helping others improve Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace

in Advice & Guides

Burns Sheehan are a specialist technology recruitment agency who are committed to improving diversity and inclusion within their workplace. They are also passionate about helping and advising their clients who are on their own D&I journeys, by providing advice, resources and initiating conversations with their tech community through their events and podcasts. Throughout this article, […]

diverse workplace

The importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace

in Advice & Guides, Employer Advice

A diverse and inclusive workplace is one which allows all employees to feel supported, valued and able to reach their full potential. By nurturing employees and creating an inclusive culture, a business can experience many benefits, varying from financial and business related to employee satisfaction and retention. In this article we look at the importance […]

diversity hiring process

5 steps to improve your diversity hiring process

in Advice & Guides, Employer Advice

Evidence shows that having a more diverse workforce can have a huge positive impact on a business. McKinsey’s Diversity Matters report found that companies with a high level of cultural and ethnic diversity were 33% more likely to outperform their competitors. However, achieving a genuinely diverse recruitment process is a difficult task for many companies. […]

employee network group

The benefits of an employee network & how to start one

in Advice & Guides, Employer Advice

Employee network groups are a great tool to help create an inclusive work environment. They are voluntary groups of colleagues with similar beliefs, backgrounds or interests. They provide support, advice, or just a sounding board in a safe, confidential environment. Employee networks can help give employees a strong sense of belonging and also offer an […]