Ways to overcome recruitment bias

in Advice & Guides, Employer Advice

Recruitment bias is when an employer creates an opinion about a candidate based on initial impressions alone or irrelevant criteria, such as gender, race, or age. Recruitment bias can be either conscious or unconscious. Conscious bias is when interviewers can recognise their own preferences, for example, they might know they prefer to work with men […]

Disability pride month

Disability Pride Month: 8 ways employers can be inclusive of employees with disabilities

in Advice & Guides, Employer Advice

Every year in July, we observe and commemorate Disability Pride Month. Originating in the USA in the 1990s, Disability Pride originally started as a single day. However, as time has gone on, the celebration has changed to be a full month. Disability Pride Month is a chance to celebrate success and accomplishments of the disabled […]

Kingfisher have confirmed the need for neurodiversity support using a data led approach to I&D

in Advice & Guides, Employer Advice

In 2021 Kingfisher upweighted I&D to a strategic priority and is committed to making sure everyone feels included. To support this strategy, Kingfisher launched three employee-led affinity networks. These networks are made up of voluntary groups of colleagues with lived experience of being in a marginalised group, or those wanting to demonstrate active allyship, providing […]


Neurodiversity in the workplace

in Advice & Guides

Neurodiversity / neurodivergence is the concept that all humans have differing levels of neurocognitive ability and for some, the variation between strengths and challenges is more pronounced. Neurological conditions encompassed by the terms ‘neurodivergence’ and ‘neurodiversity’ fall into three categories: applied, clinical, and acquired. Applied refers to conditions with which an individual is born, and […]

inclusive tech employers

Top 5 inclusive tech employers

in Advice & Guides

In 2023, the majority of employers will have some form of diversity & inclusion strategy. However, it takes a great deal of work, time and resources to make these strategies work to create an inclusive workplace. And it’s simply not enough to just increase the number of diverse hires, you must ensure that your employees […]

tech industry stereotypes

6 ways to smash industry stereotypes as a tech employer

in Advice & Guides, Employer Advice

More businesses, particularly those in the tech industry, have tried to demonstrate traits of diversity, equity and inclusion in their hiring strategies. This includes trying to attract a broader range of different candidates to their roles and creating a more inclusive culture across their organisation.  However, for many firms, this is proving much harder to […]

diversity and inclusion calendar 2023

Diversity & Inclusion calendar 2023

in Advice & Guides

Each year, more and more businesses are prioritising diversity & inclusion initiatives within their workplaces. Unfortunately, the tech industry has long suffered from a diversity skils gap, with minority groups not being represented as they should. By embracing a diverse culture and ensuring employees feel supported, heard and included, the technology industry can flourish and […]


5 things to include on your employer careers website to promote diversity & inclusion

in Advice & Guides, Employer Advice

Diversity and inclusion are integral factors for companies because having a workplace that encompasses a broad range of talents, knowledge and experiences can help the business expand in the long run. It will also encourage wider perspectives to be expressed when brainstorming new business ideas and problem-solving. In addition, this will increase the number of […]

inclusion in tech

Encouraging inclusion in the tech industry

in Advice & Guides, Employer Advice

The tech industry’s ongoing diversity problem “Elon Musk has ruined tech!” says my Ux Researcher friend at a social gathering earlier this year. His frustrations – shared by many in the tech industry – are in large part due to Musk’s alpha-macho persona and anti-woke tirades, regularly expressed on Twitter, the social network he now […]

Diverse group

10 diversity targets for 2023 and beyond

in Advice & Guides

The Equality Act 2010 protects against direct and indirect discrimination, harassment and victimisation in work and education. Diversity targets are an effective way for companies to track the diversity of their employees and ensure they are being inclusive and not discriminative. Below are some examples of diversity goals that companies have going into the new […]