How to Achieve Diversity in Tech

in Advice & Guides, Employer Advice

The tech sector is expanding almost 3 times faster than the rest of the UK economy and it is nearly worth £184bn. However, diversity remains a key challenge for the tech sector as only 15% of the tech workforce are from BAME backgrounds and gender diversity is currently sitting at 19% compared to 49% for […]

The Economic Cost of Discrimination to the UK Economy

in Employer Advice

It seems crazy that not hiring a diverse workforce or discriminating within your workforce can cost the UK economy money, and a lot at that! Figures below from INvolve and Cebr show the extent of the issue: The economic cost of discrimination in the workplace to the UK Economy is £127 billion Broken down: the […]

Is there a solution to the tech talent crisis?

in Employer Advice

There are a lot of frightening statistics that have been circulating for the last few years highlighting the current tech talent crisis. There is a shortfall in STEM skills at 40,000 people with UK employers struggling to fill 43% of STEM vacancies. Even more worrying predictions from to Coadec state that 800,000 jobs will be […]